Introduction: Polish Hens Don't Go Broody, Sez Who? La Poule Padoue, Non Couveuse? Ma Gallina Paduana Clueca

About: I live in a forest garden by the sea in an old Celtic longhouse in the Baie de Mont Saint Michel, France, which I share with Andy and our poultry. Before I escaped and became a happy peasant, I had three jobs …
Polish hens are out-door types and that is where they make their nests and lay their eggs. Garbo told me and this is her story.

Les poules Padoues aiment être à l'extérieur et c'est là où elles faisent leurs nids et pondent leurs œufs Garbo m'a dit et ceci c'est son histoire

Las gallinas Paduanas encanta estar al aire libre y que es donde hacen sus nidos y ponen sus huevos. Garbo me dije y esta es su historia.