Introduction: Popsicle Stick Bomb
In this instructable i will show you how to create a popsicle stick bomb. this can be easily edited into a tripwire type of bomb, but i will make it into the type where you can throw something at it and it will "explode". or you could just throw the bomb itself. this is my 4th instructable please comment.
Step 1: Make a "V"
Ok this step is simple. you must take 2 popsticle sticks and place them in the form of a letter V. notice that the sticks are overlapping each other, make sure it is overlapping.
Step 2: Make a "W"
Now you must take 1 more stick and place it on top of the other 2. Make sure that the middle stick is ontop of the other 2. this will not work if it isn't
Step 3: Cross the "W"
Now you must cross the "W". take a popsicle stick and criss-cross the "W". look in the picture on how to criss-cross the "W"
Step 4: Cross the Crossed "W"
Now you must cross the "W" with one more stick. this time in the opposite crossings.
Step 5: Viola!!!
Now your popsicle stick bomb is complete. if you have a lot i have an idea. you can make like 500 of these. then fill a room with them. after someone walks in. there will be a chain reaction. the sticks at the bottom kinda split, but its not supposed to. please comment on this instructable
Step 6: See It Go KABOOM!!!!!!!!!
ok heres a video on me showing how to make it and exploding it!!!