Introduction: R SHAPE PVC PIPE!
DO you need an R shape PVC Pipe well here is an easy way to make one!
Step 1: Materials
PVC Pipe Cutter
33" of PCV Pipe
8X 45 degree elbows
33" of PCV Pipe
8X 45 degree elbows
Step 2: Mark the Lines
Mark six 2" Lines, 12" line, 5" line, and a 4" line with a sharpie using a ruler
Step 3: Cutting Time
Cut on each line mark you just made!
Step 4: Lets Connect!
Take the 12" Pipe and Put one of the 45 degree elbow and connect them. Then take one 2" pipe and connect it to the other side of the elbow. Take another elbow and connect it to 4" pipe. Next take another elbow and connect it to the 2" Pipe. Keep connecting the elbows and the two pipe so they make a round shape. On the last 2" pipe turn the elbow so it faces away from the 9" pipe, and connect the 5" pipe to it.