Introduction: Rainbow Loom Fishtail Bracket
This is a very easy bracelet for beginners with no loom required.
Step 1: What You Will Need.
To make this bracelet you will need,
-Around 50 loom bands of any colour
- 1 s-clip
Step 2: Figure 8.
With one loom band make a figure 8 in you fingers.
Step 3: S-Clip
Add two more bands around your fingers. Lift both sides of the bottom band and attach and s-clip to it.
Step 4: Let's Get Going.
Add on another band to your fingers and again lift both sides of the bottom band. Keep adding and lifting bands until you have your desired length.
Step 5: Finishing It Off.
To lift the second last bottom band over the top and take the remaining band in you fingers. Attach an s-clip to this band.