Introduction: Rainbow Loom Inverted Fish Tail Bracelet
Rubber bands
A loom
A loom tool or crochet hook
An S clip
Rubber bands
A loom
A loom tool or crochet hook
An S clip
Step 1:
Make a figure eight shape and put it on two pegs then lay two more bands above it
Step 2:
Go under the second band grab the first and pull it over
Step 3:
Add another band and repeat step one remembering to always keep 3 bands on the loom at a time
Continue until the bracelet measures 4-5 inches
Continue until the bracelet measures 4-5 inches
Step 4: Adding the S Clip
One last band ( im using one of a solid color) and grab both of the bands under it then add both loops to one side of the clip and both loops on the bottom of the bracelet to the other side of the clip
Step 5: Your Finished!
Congratulations on creating your rainbow loom inverted fishtail beacelet