Introduction: Rainbow Rolling Pin

About: I'm a designer - I started off working with commercial Architecture/Interior design and transitioned through to Graphic, Product, and Industrial Design. I love making things, especially trying new techniques.

Probably the easiest and simplest Instructable ever, but it's kind of ethereal pretty. It makes me smile when I see it because it really looks like blobs of light. The beads are translucent and almost transparent around the edges.

It takes less than 5 minutes, if that. :D

Step 1: Find an Alcoholic.

Once you have found your alcoholic, grab a rolling pin-like bottle from their stash. If it's not empty, talk to them about the good ole days.

Drop a few of the water beads into the bottle, fill it with water, and cork it back up. I just happened to fill mine with exactly enough to make the beads immobile. They kind of have a cellular structure being pushed up all together.

Wait a day and you have rainbow blobs in a bottle.

Step 2: Rainbow in a Bottle.

Make it. It's soooooo pretty. :D

I highly doubt it will win the rainbow contest because other Instructables are so awesome, but I thought it was worth grouping in the contest, if anything.

Rainbow Contest 2016

Participated in the
Rainbow Contest 2016

Makerspace Contest

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest