Introduction: Red Rock Diorama | Landscape

I love to make different diorama . This time i tried to make red rock diorama , I m very inspired to look red rock which are beautiful & unique. You have to visit there ,you also get unforgettable memories.

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Step 1: Rock Making

This time i tried to make Red rock diorama.I took 12 inches x 7 inches glass piece. Mark the sketch on it .Take foam pieces and stick it on glass with rubber adhesive.

Step 2: Plaster of Paris and Red Color

I used plaster of paris and yellow , red powder color. Mix the dry ingredient well and add water in it ,the paste should be thick.Now put it on the pieces of foam . Let it dry for few hours. Now took Hobby knife to shape the rock .You need patience to find the original shape .Use fine brush to clean the small stocks.

Step 3: Color on Rock

As I got required shape then I used orange ,yellow & red acrylic colors .Use these colors on the rock like i did. Now took dark brown and black color ,apply it on thin lines.Use little amount of color on rocks like shading style.

Step 4: Second Glass Piece

I took another glass piece about 12 x 6 inches. Draw sketch on it and paste foam pieces. Cover all the pieces with white plaster of paris ,let it dry . Took hobby knife and turn it like a rock.Fine brush is good for clean all the edges.

Step 5: Coloring of Second Rock

Now i took orange ,red acrylic color, add water & mix it well .Foam brush is good for color it .Next color is yellow ,apply it. Wait for dry,spray PVA glue on it .

Step 6: Acrylic Color for Shade

After dry the color ,make shade on the rocks. Then took dark brown & yellow color ,apply with hard brush.

Step 7: Wooden Base

I took 2 wooden sheet about 1 x 8 inches . Took sheet and make the box shape like i did. For the beauty of wooden sheet draw thin line with copper color. For the shine I used lacquer ,you may use french polish or linseed oil ,its up to you.

Step 8: Road Near Rock

After joining the both glass pieces with silicon sealant .I used air dry modeling clay for road sides.I made small rocks & gravel with plaster of paris , add few yellowish green color. For the road take hard black cardboard ,cut it as required shape .With a piece of foam make stocks like i did on road.Draw fine lines of white & yellow color.

Step 9: Final Look

Here is few beautiful pics of Red Rock Diorama.I hope you like the video ,share . Leave your comment in suggestion box.

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