Introduction: SAND JARS
These cute little jars can be created in any colour combination that suits your fancy. You could try doing a large jar as a decorative piece also.
For more creative ideas visit Maker Muster @
Step 1: You Will Need:
- Ordinary table salt
- Chalk or Conte Crayons
- Skewers
- Cotton wool balls
- Fabric and string or ribbon
- A compass and pencil
- Scissors or Pinking Shears
- Empty glass jars
- Elastic band
Step 2: Cover for Lid
Start by either using a compass or appropriately sized round object to mark a circle about 4-5 cm larger than the lid of the jar.
Cut out the circle and put aside till the end. If you have Pinking Shears you get a much better end result.
Step 3: Colouring the Salt
Place an amount of salt about 1/5 the volume of the jar onto a sheet of paper. Select your first colour crayong or chalk and place it length ways on the salt and rub it in all directions. The chalk will start to colour the salt. Make sure the colour is mixed through the salt thoroughly.
Step 4: Pour Into Jar
When the salt reaches a colour you are happy with, pour it gently into the jar using the paper as a funnel.
Repeat this process with as much or as little salt/colours as you wish.
Step 5: Making a Pattern
When the jar is full to the brim, use a skewer and gently but firmly run it down the inside of the jar - against the glass. Repeat this several times and to different levels to make a pattern you are satisfied with.
Step 6: Closing the Jar
Place a couple of cotton wool balls on top of the salt before securely screwing on the lid. Cover the lid with the fabric you cut out earlier and secure with an elastic band before tying ribbon or string around it.