Introduction: Sally - Nightmare Before Christmas Pumpkin Edition

About: My awesome friend introduced me to this site my senior year of high school and since then I have been hooked on this site. Too lazy to go to the gym but will also get up at 11:30pm to go to Del Taco for a Diet…
Sorry for not having a step by step instructable but you can find my instructable on how to make Zero

I did not use any "special" tools, just a normal potato peeler(the "spoon" to remove the eyes of potatoes part), knife(cut the top off), spoon(to gut it with) and a handy dandy pen to free hand draw it onto a pumpkin.

I regret not making an Instructable about it.

Halloween Decorations Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Decorations Contest

Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Make It Glow

Participated in the
Make It Glow