Introduction: Sewing Mannequin or Armor Stand
Sewing Mannequin or Armor Stand
- duct tape body
- functional underwear
- waste pipe
- foam plate
- crushed foam
- mounting moam
- duct tape
- 600x450x4 mm steel plate
- black paint for metal
- M8 countersunk screw
- 1 m M8 threaded rod
- nut
- extension nuts
- screw washer
- 0,5 m steel tube
- 0,5 m rubber tube
- floor protectors
Step 1: Skeleton
I started at the shoulders, using three T-profiles so that they were symmetrical on each side.
I measured the rest of the tubes according to the dimensions of the body and I cut them.
Step 2: Filling Legs
I used crushed foam for filling and tried to squeeze it as much as I could. After that I taped the holes.
Step 3: Shoulder Padding
I rolled the foam plate around the tubes.
Step 4: Filling Rest of the Body
Step 5: Finishing the Body
I removed the excess foam and fill the holes with mounting foam. When the foam was dry I cut it and sanded it.
Step 6: Neck Part
I heated up the pipe so I could bend it and cut it. I put duct tape neck on the body and fill it with mounting foam. I sanded it and cover it with black duct tape.
Step 7: Preparing for Stand
I cut the foam so that both legs were symmetrical.
Step 8: Stand
600x450x4 mm steel plate
I dye it black and then sand it. Drilled 2 holes for countersunk screws. I connected the threaded rod to the screw using an extension nut. I slipped a steel tube onto the threaded rod and tightened the nut. Rubber tube protects the thread.
Step 9: Completion
I used functional underwear to cover the tape.