Introduction: Sharpie Dyed Trendy Neon Hair Bows!

About: Hi! My name is Natalie! I have an awesome husband that lets me be a Play-at-home mom of 3! We homeschool and do projects daily! Check out my blog Doodlecraft for more awesomeness!
Make adorable and trendy NEON hair bows or bowties!

You'll need some material.
(think old sheets, tablecloths, even shirts!)

You'll also need:
Sharpie markers
Hot glue/gun
hair clip or pinback
scissors (always)

Step 1: Color Your Pattern!

Start with thin, non stretchy white material.  About 8 by 10-12 inches.
(you can do smaller, you will just get a smaller bow...)
Stretchy material would work, but you'll have to hold it tight while coloring.
You could use old t-shirts...sheets, tablecloths, whatever...
I'm all about recycling and free.

Use Sharpies or permanent markers to color on the fabric!
It's like watercoloring because the ink bleeds a little.

Any pattern you like!  Chevrons, arrows, anchors, polka dots...even just scribbles!
And you only need to fill the center about 6 inches wide and 4 or 5 inches tall.

Step 2: Let's Get Gluing!

Here's where the bow comes in.
Place your fabric on the table...brightly colored on side facing down.

Begin by folding up one of the long sides to the center "line".
Run some hot glue across.
Fold down the top side, overlapping that glued piece. 
Press together.
Zig zag some hot glue across the center (eyeballed).
Fold the edges in to meet in the center.
Gather down the center with a simple pinch of the fingers.
Wrap with some ribbon and hot glue in place!
Simple.  Follow the pics, it's not rocket science.

Step 3: Finish It Off!

Hot glue a hair clip or a pinback on the back!

Or hot glue it to a headband or purse or tote bag!
Great for everyday of the week!

Hope you enjoyed another fabulous Doodlecraft tutorial!
Don't forget to vote for me in the Print and Dye contest!  :) 
I'll be your best friend! 
Print & Dye Contest

Second Prize in the
Print & Dye Contest