Introduction: Simple Beret Tutorial

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In this tutorial we're going to be making a beret in 4 easy steps!


  • Semi-thick fabric (wool felt is traditional)
  • Fabric scissors
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Thimble (optional)

Step 1: Cutting Your Pieces

Begin by cutting two circles with a 12-inch diameter out of your fabric, leave a ¼ in for seam allowance

Step 2: Cutting the Center

Next, take one of the circles you made and cut a circle with an 8in diameter from the center of the circle

Step 3: Align the Fabric

Then align the two circles with the right sides, the wrong sides facing outward

Step 4: Finishing the Beret

Finally stitch the two circles together and flip the beret inside-out to wear

About the Creator:
Hi, I’m Haritha and I’m a student assistant at EXLAB! I like to think of myself as a pretty thrifty maker because I focus on upcycling. Upcycling is a creative way to help the environment and make something cool, I hope you enjoy my instructables!