Introduction: Simple Bluetooth Controlled Car

About: I love doing everything what has some connection with any kind of technology. I love to see how stuff works and how to make it. P.s. about my username if someone is curious: "In Vino VERitas"


in this tutorial I'll show you how did I transfer one of my broken RC cars in working one using Arduino.

(there are some descriptions in pictures so don't just look at text below pictures)

Step 1: Parts

All I used is Arduino, BT HC-06, relay shield ( I really love relays, cheap and can lead currents up to 10A), some LEDs, wires and old RC car.

Step 2: Connecting Diagrams

In pictures is all described.

As power supply for motors I used batteries under the car and for arduino I used 9V battery.

There is on servo for turning the car, there is just ordinary DC motor, so for this setup you have to have minimum of 4 relays, 2 relays are for forward and back and other 2 are for left and right.

Step 3: The Code

Code for android application is in pictures, for programming I used MIT App inventor, it's very simple program for making some basic applications.

I attached arduino code in .txt file, just download it and copy paste it in arduino software.

Step 4: Putting All Together

Android application for car control you can download from here:

I also made simple application just for driving the car, without possibility of controlling the lights, you can download it in attached file.

And here is video :)

That would be it! I'm sorry for the lack of more detailed pictures, but if you have some more questions just post below. Thanks for watching and fell free to vote :)

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