Introduction: Small Zipper Pouch

A small zipper pouch in various sizes

Small - 4.25x3.25 (4.75x6.75)

Medium - 7.25x4.25 (7.75x8.75)

Large - 9.5x6.5 (10x13.25)


All measurements in inches

Fabric in one of these sizes | Zipper length

Small - 4.25x3.25 (4.75x6.75) | 5.75+

Medium - 7.25x4.25 (7.75x8.75) | 8.75+

Large - 9.5x6.5 (10x13.25) | 11+

Step 1:

Cut fabric out to desired size

Step 2:

Sew the zipper teeth to the top and the bottom piece like shown in the picture with the zipper foot

Flip the zipper over and top stitch it

Step 3:

Insert the zipper slider and make sure the sides are aligned with each other

Step 4:

Make zipper pulls with 2 inches of 3/4 inch grosgrain or by folding fabric

Sew the zipper pulls on the excess zipper like shown in the picture

Step 5:

Place the zipper to be just below the top and sew the open edges shut

Step 6:

Open the zipper and turn it inside out to finish