Introduction: Snowflake Pendant

About: Designer, Researcher, and Educator
When I started seeing all those snow projects coming by here at instructables, I wanted to make something snow related as well. But, it wasn't snowing. I did remember we had this coloured sand, so I searched it and there was also a small container of white sand :D My first idea was to add it to beads, making them look like snowballs, but since the beads were polished, it didn't stay on the way I wanted it to. So I decided to go with a paper snowflake and use paper lacquer to add the sand. When seen from a distance, this just looks like a white snowflake pendant, but when you look closer, you will see crystals all over it. I hope you like it!

Step 1: Materials

To make a snowflake pendant, you will need the following:

- white coloured sand
- thick, white paper
- coloured paper
- scissors
- pencil
- triangle
- glue
- sharp object to make a hole with (I used a steel scribe)
- cord crimp
- cord
- jump ring
- paper lacquer

Step 2: Draw the Snowflake

Start by drawing three lines, crossing each other in the middle to create the six parts of the snowflake (measure 60 degrees between them). I made mine 6 cm.

Next step is totally up to you! Decide how you want to make your snowflake, but keep in mind it has to be cuttable. This is why I changed the shape slightly while working on it, it was too detailed to cut, especially with the thicker paper.

Step 3: Make It 3D

So now you got your basic snowflake, you need to add some lines to it. Otherwise it could get a bit difficult when trying to cut it out :) I made the basic stripes 3 mm wider on every side. After doing so, I extended the point part, because otherwise it would be really small. To end it, I connected the two stripes to become one part.

To be able to see the outlines of the actual shape a bit clearer, I traced the outlines with a dark coloured fine liner. To end the drawing, I went over it with an eraser to remove the remaining pencil stripes.

Step 4: Cutting and Glueing

Cut out your just drawn snowflakes using the outlines. Glue it on the thick paper and cut it out again. Keep repeating the cutting and the glueing until your pendant has the thickness you want.

Step 5: Adding 'crystals'

Place your snowflake somewhere that has higher sides. I used the top part of an empty egg carton.This will help keep your desk clean when you are adding the sand. Add a layer of paper lacquer to the snowflake and add the sand. It's easiest to add a bit extra, the part that isn't used can just be used again an other time.

Step 6: Polishing It Up a Bit

When the lacquer has dried completely (I prefer to let it sit over night), you can take out your snowflake. Using a small brush you can remove any extra sand that's still stuck to it.

Step 7: The Remaining Sand

As you can see, there is a lot of sand left in the box. You can use a paper funnel to add it back to it's original container.

Step 8: Make a Hole and Add a Loop

Use your sharp object to add a hole to the snowflake. Be careful, it will be sharp and possibly hurt you. When your hole is big enough, add a loop to it.

Step 9: Add a Cord and Done!

To end your necklace, add a cord to it. I used a cord crimp to end the necklace, since my cord was too short to be knotted.

I hope you liked this instructable and found it useful, please let me know!
Snow Contest

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Snow Contest