Introduction: Spätzle

About: My purpose is show how good austrian food is and that we do not only have wiener schnitzel


500 g cake flour (type w480)
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
200 ml milk
1 teaspoon oil

butter to toss

Step 1: Preparation

Mix everything together.
Boil salted water.
Use a 'Spätzle'-grater (I don't know the correct name of this utility in English but you can see it in the third picture) to grate the dough. When they are finished they will swim on the surface.

Now heat the butter in a pan and toss the Spätzle in it.

It's a perfect side dish for paprika chicken (Check out my other recipes)

I heard some folks eat it to schnitzel, but as an austrian I would never ever eat do that! xD