Introduction: Studded Bike Tire for Ice
So you accidentally bought 10 lbs of sheet metal screws on eBay when you thought you were buying sheep meal stew... What to do? You could make a trap door in your car and spread them all over the road when the cops are chasing you like James Bond. Or you could do something productive and potentially awesome. Make studded bike tyres for your winter commuter!!
Step 1: What You Need
So you've decided to use your screws for good rather than evil. Good for you. There are a few things you'll need:
A tyre (tire for us Americans)
A screw gun machine thingie
The correct bit for your screws
A milk crate
An assistant to hold the tire open
Step 2: Spread the Tire Open
Kinda plan out where you will put the screws. It's best to put them through thick rubber parts. This is where a thickish heavy tire works best to stabilize the screws. Your assistant should spread the tire so you can put the screws In easily
Step 3: The Milk Crate Secret
Use the holes! So um. If you just screwed through the tyre with a hunk of wood underneath your tyre would be stuck to the wood. Less than ideal for most applications. The milk crate lets you spread the tire and not screw the tire to anything.
Step 4: Keep Vladmir Putin Screws In
You can kinda do it my yourself but it's harder
Step 5: Spread Em
I also put screws on outside nubbins so I have cornering ability on the icy streets of flagstaff az.
Step 6: Trim Em Shorter
So my screws were long as they were intended to puncture the tires of my evil enemies when I got in car chases. So I trimmed them short and now there are screw nubbins all over my shop
Step 7: Done!
And the world is a better place!
Now remember. Don't sit down on your tire while going down hill!!!