Introduction: Super Mario Find the Pair Game Board (Memory Match Game Board)

About: I am a Mechanical Engineer with passion for conceptualising and creating. I have 10 years of experience in Product Design and over 30 years of interest in fun :)

Hello People,

After a long time of creating and watching others with envy about their creations, I have finally decided to share one of my creations with everyone.

This is a quick and simple DIY Memory Match game for kids(and adults) from Super Mario video game that I have created for my son.

This is a fun and quick to make project by yourself or with your kids(about 2 hours in total) and with limitless possibility for family fun.


- Cardboard or presentation foam board of available size (I used a 840mm x 1200mm foam board I had in hand)

- 1x Cutting knife (not for young children)

- Ruler (preferably long size)

- Pencil

- Toothpicks

- Glue or Tape for paper

- Colour printer (or access to one)

- Thin cardboard or similar for backing for print paper (i.e I used frozen pizza boxes)

- Optional: Expendable foam from appliance box, Shoe box etc or similar for stand legs

Step 1: Drafting the Main Board Layout

I have used a 840mm x 1200mm foam presentation board I had laying around.

So I decided to use a 6x3 layout (18 blocks) and 130mm x 150mm size for each window and set 60mm space between each window (dotted lines in image). I took care to leave at least about 50mm from all edges to closest cut window to ensure the rigidity of the Main Board.

You can choose your own layout and sizes for the windows according to your Main Board size available.

Note: Make sure to leave adequate spacing from edges of the Main Board to avoid any concerns with collapsing or damage based on your choice of material...

You can now draw the decided layout onto your board using a ruler and a pencil.

Or if you have access to a large size Plotter (as in my case), you can print the layout(you can find the layout I used in this instructable) and stick it onto your Main Board using a tape or applying some glue.

Step 2: Cutting the Windows on Main Board

Now that our Main Board is ready we can proceed...

But before, it is always good to double check that your math is right and the proportions look correct before you start cutting your windows. As they say, measure twice cut once ;)

Now you have finished double checking, you can cut the windows out using a cutting knife (make sure it is sharp).

Tip: Use a ruler placed over your cut line to guide your knife for a straight, clean cut...

Step 3: Preparing and Cutting the Turning Doors

Now you have finished cutting out the windows, you should have 18 pieces (or as many as you end up with based on your layout) of these nicely cut rectangular boards (we will call them Turning Doors from here on).

Next step is to reduce the size of these Turning Doors to create some space between the Doors and Windows to allow them to freely rotate once attached.

I have decided to keep minimum 5mm from each side since the material I have used allowed me to have very nice cuts but feel free to adjust the gap that you would like to keep based on how clean your cuts are.

Mark required distance from each side and draw straight lines to mark your cutting path on each Door.

Cut each edge following the cutting lines using your knife (use your ruler to keep your cuts straight) and remove the excess pieces.

Step 4: Preparing and Attaching the Pivot Axises(toothpicks) to the Turning Doors

I have used toothpicks but anything similar would do.

Now, cut the toothpicks(18 toothpicks for 18 Doors) into half pieces.

Using your ruler, mark the halfway on the short edges(Up & Down) of the Doors. This is where you will insert the toothpicks you have prepared.

Insert the pointy edge of the toothpicks into Doors at marked areas. If you are using cardboard as material you may want to add a little glue to the tips so they can stick. Or you can tape the toothpicks on the surface using some tape. Whatever is the easiest for you...

Repeat above until all Doors have the axises(toothpicks) attached on both sides.

Tip: Try to leave about 10mm of the toothpicks sticking out so you will have enough room for adjustment when you are attaching them onto Main Board.

Step 5: Attaching the Turning Doors on Main Board (into Windows)

Lay your Main Board on a flat surface. Try to choose the side with the best appearance to be at the bottom when you lay it down.

Now, take one of the Doors and lay it on the Main Board in one of the Windows with toothpicks in a vertical position. Try to position the Door in the centre of the Window and adjust the position as much as possible. Use your ruler to check the gap on each side with your ruler if you wish.

Once you are satisfied with the position, mark the position of the endpoint of the toothpicks with your pencil.

Remove the Door and make a surface cut(meaning a cut which doesn`t go all the way through the board to the other side) from the mark point towards Window edge. Use your ruler to make a straight cut.

Did you make the cuts on both top and bottom side? Good... Now take your Door that you used previously and lay the toothpicks over the cuts you have just made. Using your finger or the back of your pencil, gently push the toothpicks until they slide inside the Main Board through the slits.

Tip: Try to use the same Door that you used for making the slits for a good fit as your accuracy of the position of toothpick position on the Doors may vary.

Well. Repeat 18x times...

Step 6: Preparing the (replaceable) Memory Cards

Sorry. I don`t have detailed pictures for this step but I believe that it is quite self-explanatory.

You should select and download high-quality images from internet(just google it) based on the theme you selected. You don`t have to stick to Super Mario theme but if you wish to, you can find the pdf file I used for printing in download files.

Take your printed images and cut them to a slightly bigger size than the final Memory Card size you desire.

Tip1: You should adjust the image sizes according to your Turning Window size before printing.

Now, take the pictures and glue them onto frozen pizza box or something similar. Let dry and cut the box down to desired Memory Card size around the image. Although this step is optional, it makes a big difference in terms of usability of the Memory Cards again and again and protects the papers with image from wrinkling.

To make the Memory Cards easily attach and detach on to the Doors; I used simply taping rolled over on itself (you know... you take the two edges of a piece of tape and make a loop). Feel free to improvise if you have any other items at hand like pins, hooks, double-sided tape, scratches etc.

With that sorted out, your Memory Cards are ready... Good job!

Step 7: (Optional) Preparing the Stand/Feet for the Main Board

For this, I have used a foam block that I have saved from before but initially, I planned to use some boxes or just support it with couple of chairs.

But in case you would like to add a stand, here is how I did it.

I measured the thickness of the Main Board and marked cut lines onto the foam block accordingly along the centre. Then, I have created a groove along the cut lines 50mm deep by cutting and removing material from the foam block.

Finally, just slip the Main Board into the groove and we are done!

Step 8: (Bonus) Personalise Your Board

Since I built this game for my son, I put up a nice greeting message on top.

You can opt to add some stickers or write some messages etc on the board.

I am planning to paint it with my son. It may be another interesting and fun activity to do with your family. Two birds with one stone,huh?

Feel free to steal the idea or find your own idea to personalise your Board.