Introduction: Tangle Free Dog Leash Holder

About: "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
There are products like these out on the market. I'm just too cheap to buy one and pay for shipping. I spent about $1.88 total to do this project

You will need:

1 ea. Buckle type lg-med dog collar (I already had one)
1 ea. Large Carbiner(I bought mine from a gas station 2 for $1)
They were actually key chain holders
1 ea. Dual Swivel from the hardware store ($.88)

Step 1: Collect All the Necessary Items

Yes, this is common sense!

Step 2: Put It All Together.

Thread the Dog Collar through one end of the dual swivel. Clip the carbiner through the other.

Step 3: Attach the Dog Leashes

Using the carabiner, clip 2 dog leashes through the leash loops, or through the D-rings.

Step 4: Walk the Mutts

Slip your hand through the collar on the dual swivel, and adjust to fit your wrist. I hold the collar open, slip my hand in, and hold the collar like I would a flashlight. It leaves the other hand free for the pooper-scooper.

Enjoy your tangle free dog walks! This has shortened my walks because I don't have to stop and untwist the leashes every couple of minutes. I suggest using 4 foot leashes with this contraption. I have six foot leashes, and they seem a little long for me.

Told you this was too simple.