Introduction: The B.s.r Raptor... the Longest Range Knex Sniper Rifle in History
IT DOESN'T GET RECORD BREAKING RAGES BECAUSE OF THE BARREL! IT IS BECAUSE OF THICK RUBBER BANDS AND ZERO FRICTION!!!!!!!!!! Muhaahahahahahaha!!!! I know hold the title of longest range Knex gun on instrucables!
name:B.s.r raptor
purpouse: long range sniping
range: 450+ feet tested by silentassasin21
sight: red dot optic
power: leves bullet holes in both sides of coke cans and can shoot throgh a cardboard box that is 50 feet away. may leave large blood gushing wounds.
I will get a piece list up soon
name:B.s.r raptor
purpouse: long range sniping
range: 450+ feet tested by silentassasin21
sight: red dot optic
power: leves bullet holes in both sides of coke cans and can shoot throgh a cardboard box that is 50 feet away. may leave large blood gushing wounds.
I will get a piece list up soon
Step 1: The Stock.
build it. now.
1: what you are bulding
2: make 2
3: add orange connectors
6:connect and done!
1: what you are bulding
2: make 2
3: add orange connectors
6:connect and done!
Step 2: Handle
The part where your hand rests.
1: what you are making
2:make 2
3:make these
4: add
5: add
6: connect
7: add a rubberband. you can add more for more confert.
1: what you are making
2:make 2
3:make these
4: add
5: add
6: connect
7: add a rubberband. you can add more for more confert.
Step 3: Main Body
1:what you are making.
2: make
3: make 2
4: add orange conectors and spacers to one
5: make. credit to kat.
6: add
7: add
8: connect
9: fore grip. make
1:what you are making.
2: make
3: make 2
4: add orange conectors and spacers to one
5: make. credit to kat.
6: add
7: add
8: connect
9: fore grip. make
Step 4: Barrel
your fingers might fall off after making this!
1: what your making
2: make 2. that's right
3: add suports
4: close up one how they are made up.
5: connect
6: make 4
7:add spacers
8: add one
7: add another
8: repeat on the other side
1: what your making
2: make 2. that's right
3: add suports
4: close up one how they are made up.
5: connect
6: make 4
7:add spacers
8: add one
7: add another
8: repeat on the other side
Step 5: Connecting
how to connect.
1: barrel to body
2: body to stock
3: handle to body
4: red dot sight to body
1: barrel to body
2: body to stock
3: handle to body
4: red dot sight to body
Step 6: Banding
how to band it.
1: rubber bands. one is a string of 5 and the other is a string of six. bothe have the middle rubber bands cut.
2: connect via green rods
3: add a rubber band to the trigger.
1: rubber bands. one is a string of 5 and the other is a string of six. bothe have the middle rubber bands cut.
2: connect via green rods
3: add a rubber band to the trigger.
Step 7: Loading/firing
1: bullet. you need fins for 350 feet of range, but I did not have time.
2: hook onto rubberbands
3: into mec
your done! =)
2: hook onto rubberbands
3: into mec
your done! =)