Introduction: The Halloween Turkey
I would like to introduce Odie my 8 year old Chihuahua, dressed this year as a cooked Thanksgiving Turkey. He is a rescue that I adopted three years ago. Odie had a rough life before he ended up at the Pixie Project (an animal rescue). He was at the pound and was very close to being euthanized. Odie is a very opinonated chihuahua, especially when it comes to his jackets or costumes. I have to make them all because the premade ones in the stores are to hard to put on him.
Step 1:
I was trying to come up with an original idea for a halloween costume. I came up with a turkey and when discussing it with one of my co-workers she thought of a cooked turkey. When I researched it I was not able to find a dog costume that was a cooked turkey.
Things needed
1. Foam board
2. Felt fabric in brown, white, orange, green, yellow and tan.
3. Cotton stuffing which would be used in stuff animals.
4. Glue gun
5. Sewing Machine (however you could sew it all by hand.
6. Sharpie
Things needed
1. Foam board
2. Felt fabric in brown, white, orange, green, yellow and tan.
3. Cotton stuffing which would be used in stuff animals.
4. Glue gun
5. Sewing Machine (however you could sew it all by hand.
6. Sharpie
Step 2:
I started by making the turkey body. Which I made in the shape of his dog jackets it was sewing the two pieces of felt along the edges where I left a little 1/4 of an edg. I slightly stuffed the body with a little bit of cotton just to give it a little more body. Then I cut the foam board so that it was the shape of a platter and covered it by glueing white felt to it. When I made the turkey body I left a little fabric around the bottom of the turkey body jacket to attach to the platter part of the costume. Since making the turkey body like his jacket it just naturally balanced on his body. So it is almost like I made him a little float when he walks around because it just perfectly balances. Then I made the legs which was sewing to piece of felt cut in the form of a turkey leg and sewing them together about a 1/4" around the edges. Then made the bones in the sam way and hand sewed them together and stuffed with cotton stuffing and hot glue guned to the body of the costume. Then the vegetable were made out of felt seperately sewn partially on the sewing machine and also hand sewn parts then filled with cotton stuffing to give them body and then glued to the platter part and the body part of the costume. The small details drawn on the corn, potatoes and carrots were done with sharpie. I found patterns for felt vegetables online which were corn, carrots, potatoes. Basically it was made like a dog jacket just with extra attached things. The costume just slides over his head and balances his back.