Introduction: Tom Riddle Diary

About: I am a software engineer, addicted to props

Since I visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I want all the props from the movie. Today, I decided to do the Tom Riddle Diary with the Basilisk Fang. Here is what you will need :

  • black leather diary/journal
  • 3D Printer for the fang
  • Some paint (black, yellow, white)
  • drill
  • lighter
  • Gold cardboard/paper
  • Hot glue
  • Tea/Coffee

I'm french so there might be english mistakes

Step 1: Choose a Journal

I used an old black leather journal that I already had. They are pretty cheap on amazon.

Step 2: Stain the Journal

In the movie, the journal is very old, so we will have to stain the pages. I just stained the borders because that's what we will see.

I used some tea that I brushed around the corners page by page.

Then I dry each page with an hair dryer. After that, I apply a pressure for several hours on the pages to keep them flat.

Step 3: 3D Print the Fang (and the Top)

For the fang I used a model that I scaled from Thingiverse.

And I used an other model (that I split) for the top of the fang. (I am not a 3D modeler so I had to do this)

I used hot glue to assemble the two together.

I sanded the top part on the sides to be more equal with the base. I used polyfilla to hide the little holes between the top and the base (it also had a certain effect).

Step 4: Weathering the Fang

To add an old effect to the fang, I simply use, black, yellow and white paint. I used my finger to paint the fang and I did random movement with random quantity of these colors to add this effect!

Then apply white glue with a brush on the tooth to smooth it and add a glossy effect.

Step 5: The Hole

First, there is no secret here, just drill a hole to fit your fang!

Then, to make the effect around the hole, you will need a lighter. With that, you will burn the surface of the journal around the hole. Burn until the desire effect. I also burn the hole of the pages. BE CAREFUL ALL TIME, do not burn your fingers

Step 6: Add the Corners

For the corners I had a box with a gold cover. I print a pattern of the corner and draw 4 of them on the cardboard. After that, I hot glue each them in the 2 corners in the front and in the back. I draw with a black sharpie the different dots that appear on the pattern. Finally, I used black paint to add weathering on these corners.

Step 7: Result

An easy DIY project for everyone who like Harry Potter. It cost nothing because I already had everything. Hope you enjoyed it, any comment is welcome.

Halloween Props Contest 2015

Runner Up in the
Halloween Props Contest 2015

Halloween Decor Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest 2015