Introduction: Trash Bag Changing Hack

About: Making is my passion!

Always forget to put a new bag into the trash? Or really hate change it like me? This solution can help you!

Step 1: Watch the Video

I always got in that situation to find a trash without a bag because me or my wife forgot to put in a new trash bag. If you have the same problem just use this tip and solve your problem ;)

Step 2: 1 and Only Step

It's so so simple put the new bag into the trash but not just one put 5 or 10 :)

I did it 10 times in the video and i used different bags to reveal the method better. But you can use the same bag it works as well!

Step 3: The End

We put out the bag twice but there is still a bag in the trash and this is absolutely joyful for us :)))

I hope you really like this as well ;)

That's the ShiftyWay :)

Step 4: Don't Forget to Check Out the Video

As always thanks for your support!