Introduction: Triple Single Bracelet

About: My name is Crystal but you can call me Crysty ^_^ I have 2 horses 1 girl(currently pregnant) her name is Adilita and 1 boy named Tucuru (my dad named it) I also have 2 cats one lives in the ranch with the hors…
ill show you how to make this beautiful bracelet

Step 1: Placing Your Bands

Get your materials place the bands as shown in the picture when you get to the triangle make sure you skip one and keep going till and then go to the end and place a figure "8" band.

Step 2: Looming

Now turn your loom board around with the hooks facing in front of you and follow pictures
tip:you can hold the white part back its more easier to get the bottom band♥

Step 3:

grab the blue band and place it on the middle peg. Know do the same thing fot the other side make sure to push the bands down so they can fit

Step 4: Placing All Three

grab the blue band and place it on the middle peg. Know do the same thing fot the other side make sure to push the bands down so they can fit

Step 5: Wrist Size

Put the loom stick through all of them if your wrist is small I suggest putting 4 or 6
if you have a bid wrist 6 or 9

Step 6: "C"clip

Put on your "C" clip and take it off SLOWY when you get to the end band grab it and put on the c clip
And there you bracelet is done
if you have any questions comment