Introduction: Trolleybus

About: We design cheap mechanics systems for hobby use.

I had left over motors from my one of power generating projects. Those motors had poor efficiency when I comes to power generation. They began to rust. This I decided to make a miniature toy trolleybus.

I used masking tape. You can use staples or super glue or glue gun.

I used two 6 V power source. The bus might move with only 3 V. Typical motors can ran on voltages from 3 V to 9 V. I suggest that you do not use a 9 V battery for this project. You will drain this battery (9 V) very quickly.


Supplies: sticky tape (clear or masking tape), low cost dual shaft motor - 2 (you might need spare), cardboard (20 cm (less than 1 foot in length) by 20 cm), insulated wires, hard insulated (or non insulated) metal wire (for terminals) - 30 cm, small wheels - 3 or 4, 1 mm metal wire (for miniature overhead power lines) - 1 metre, 6 V power source - 2 (eight AA/AAA/C or D batteries), 6 V battery harness.

Tools: scissors, hole puncher.

Optional supplies: solder, staples, blue tack or small stone (for front weight).

Optional tools: soldering iron, stapler.

Step 1: Make the Box

I made the box from 15 cm by 15 cm piece of cardboard.

Step 2: Attach Motor to Cardboard Fixture

The length of my cardboard fixture is 9 cm. This is the minimum length. You can try 10 cm, 11 cm or 12 cm lengths.

Step 3: Place Motor Inside the Box

I inserted the motor inside the box.

Step 4: Attach Metal Wire Terminals

I attached wire terminals to insulated wires and sealed with masking tape.

Later I completed my toy trolleybus by attaching a weight at the front of the bus that you see in the picture on the first page because the bus was falling on its back.

Step 5: Make the Circuit

You have to be careful not to short the positive and negative terminals. The batteries might explode. This is why I did not use two buttons or any switches. You can simply attach the wires to make the bus move.

I have drawn the circuit via online Easy Eda software (

Step 6: Testing

The video is showing collision testing.

I used one dual motor but you can make a this trolley bus with two dual shaft motors or two normal motors.