Introduction: Upgrade Any Samsung Device to Android Nougat or Marshmallow


Friends In This Video I Am Going To Show You How to Upgrade/Install Android 7.1(Nougat) or Marshmallow on Any Samsung Device (galaxy)


+By doing This Your warranty is void

+Your device May Damage

+Please Think 100 times before doing this

+You will be responsible for your own Action.

+This Video Is just for Educational Purpose And Experiment

Step 1: Root Your Smartphone

Firstly You need to Install a custom rom on your samsung device like

CWM(Clock Work Mod) OR TWRP

Follow the link below if you have not done it yet

How to Root BY TechTutorialGuide

Step 2: Download the 4 Files

Step 3: Transfer Files to Sd Card of Your Smartphone

Just copy all the 4 files to your sd card

as shown in the Image

Step 4: Now Power on Your Device

Now power on Your Samsung Device By Pressing

Volume Up + Home + Power Button At the same time As shown in the Image

Step 5: Wipe Data

Wipe All the Data

by Going to

Wipe Data/Factory reset


Wipe cache Partition


Wipe dalvik cache

Step 6: Install All 4 ZIP Files

As shown in Video As well in images Install All 4 file step by step

1st.. CM13

2nd.. Gapps

3rd.. vendar patch

4th.. face patch

Step 7: Reboot Your Smartphone

just by confirming reboot

Restart your device as shown in the image above

Step 8: Just Wait for 10 Minutes

While it is starting for first time it will take time just wait

and don't remove battery or switch off your phone while it is loading

the few process will happen while starting as shown above

Step 9: Enjoy

Now Your phone is ready to use

everything is working

::Credits ::


Cyanogenmod team


@SoUnd001 And

All testers