Introduction: WiFi Jammer With Inbuilt Powerbank
Hello Friend,
In This video I will Tell you
How you can make a portable WiFi jammer with inbuilt power bank.
which can be used for both charging your mobile and powering your WiFi jammer.
It is illegal to jam someones WiFi network.
I am doing this on my own network.
This video is just for educational purpose.
Step 1:
get esp8266 circuit
you can buy from anywhere but i have purchased it from the link below::
you can check that out
Step 2:
Just download & Install the latest Arduino software from the link below::
Step 3:
Download the codes
I am not the author of this code .
The Person providing the link is the original author of the codes
Just download the zip file .
Open Read me file
follow the instructions(Exactly).
Step 4:
connect esp8266 to you pc via usb cable
Now it's time to connect the usb cable to the esp8266 circuit .
make sure to use the data cable not power cable (usb)
Step 5:
Upload the codes on esp circuit
select the correct port from menu options
click on upload the codes
wait for 10 minutes to upload successfully.
Step 6:
Lets make a power bank to run that jammer
get the power bank circuit from the link below::
Get some Lipo 18650 cells from old dead laptop batteries.
as shown in the images.
Step 7:
Join everything together with some wires
I use some wires to join the lipo cells to the power bank circuit.
then i connected the output of power bank to the esp8266 jammer's circuit to power it on
Step 8:
Connect to the wifi network of jammer circuit
in my case is "REX" and "password".
you should read the the "read me file " which you have downloaded earlier.
for wifi name password
Step 9:
Open web browser
Step 10:
Select the wifi network to attack
Step 11:
Go to attack tab
click on attack
Step 12:
See the Results
Everyone is disconnected from the Targeted network.