Introduction: Vegan Bolognese - Video Recipe

About: Photography, video, DIY, animals, nature.

I like to prepare simple, everyday meals, and I want to show you that living vegan can be easy and cheap - you can veganize everything you like! Just replace animal products with cruelty-free alternatives. You also don't have to be a professional in the kitchen, just experiment and have fun! And don't hurt any animals in the making.

Step 1: Vegan Bolognese - Video Recipe

Vegan bolognese is one of the simplest vegan recipes - it doesn't require a lot preparation, the ingredients are not expensive and it's a very tasty meal.

Ingredients; Soy flakes, onions, tomato sauce, spices, pasta.

Procedure; In boiling water seasoned with salt and a litte oil, add the soy flakes. (Note; the soy flakes will "swell" a bit during the cooking, so you will realistially have a greater amount of them than the amount you threw into the water).

Cook the soy flakes for about 5 minutes and leave them for an additional few minutes to rest. Afterwards, drain them well and they are ready for further use.

The next step is to make sauteed onions. Once the onions soften, add the soy flakes over them. Add spices; salt, pepper, red paprika. Cook and mix everything for a few minutes. Add the tomato sauce. Simmer over low hear for about 10 minutes. At the end, add spices; red hot paprika (or chilli), sugar (sugar will neutralize the acid from the tomato sauce), and add basil. Cook the pasta, which you can also garnish with basil.

Serve with some salad - fresh green salad or cucumbers, beets... everything goes with bolognese!

Bon apetit!