Introduction: Vegan Wholegrain Oat Spelt Pancakes With Spiced Plum Compote
This recipe combination, came to Peter & me this midday. I invented the lovely whole grain pancakes recipe & he invented the spiced red plum compote. A few days ago, we received a whole lot red plums, from a friend so we had to use them up.
These lovely pancakes are very healthy & give you plenty of energy too! :) Enjoy! These are really healthy filling pancakes topped with a delicious spiced up red plum compote, which isn’t too sweet either! Our plums were a bit more sour, so if you want to have a more sweeter compote, add more maple syrup, it is up to you!
Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients!
For the pancakes:
Dry ingredients:
1/2 cup whole oatmeal flour
1/2 cup whole grain spelt flour + 2 tablespoons extra
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
a pinch of ground sea salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
Wet ingredients:
1 cup + 1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk
1 tablespoon maple syrup
For the spiced plum compote:
500 gr red plums, big pits removed, cleaned, pad dry, cut up finely with the help of scissors
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
50 ml water
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 star anise
Step 2: Method: Mix & Fry!
1. Take a larger bowl, add oat & whole grain spelt flour. Now, add ground cinnamon, sea salt & baking powder. Stir well with a spoon. In another smaller bowl, add soy milk & maple syrup. Whisk away. Now, add bowl with wet ingredients to the bowl with dry mixed ingredients. With help of a spoon or small whisk, whisk it all together! No lumps, please! Let the batter sit, rest for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, make your red plum compôte.
2. Take a fitted cooking pot & add cut up red plums. Add 50 ml of water, star anise & ground cinnamon. Stir well & bring to the boil, on a lower heat, with a fitted lid on. Boil or simmer it for about 15-20 minutes or until the plums are cooked down. Add your maple syrup & stir well. Turn heat up to reduce your compôte. Taste. It was just right with hints of star anise & now & then some cinnamon flavor. The sweetness & sourness was just right! Keep warm while you prepare your pancakes. Just before serving, remove your star anise.
3. Now, fry your pancakes. Take a smaller non-stick pan & heat up on medium-high heat. When hot, add some drizzles of a fruity olive oil in it, swirl it all around the base of the pan. I used a small soup ladle to pur the batter into the hot pan. Swirl the batter a bit round. Fry for a few minutes or until there are many air bubbles on the top surface of the pancake. Turn or flip the pancake over but re-oil your pan a bit more, if you need to. Fry this side for a few minutes or until browned on this side too. Stack them onto a clean plate with aluminium foil onto them, to keep them warm. Do the same with the remaining batter. Reheat your spiced plum compôte, if you need to. Enjoy, my sweeties! :)
You can also find this lovely recipe here on my blog: