Introduction: Water Bottle Spout

This instructable, i will show you how to make a water bottle water spout for gardening, or anything else you can think of.

Step 1: Things You Will Need

-You can use any size bottle that can hold water. You may also use cans and other containers, i prefer gatorade or g2 bottles, something thick.
-A drill with a small and big(optional) drill bit or an ice pick

Step 2: Drilling

First, drill out 6-8 small holes on one side, on the opposite side if you wish, varying the size, and to stay green, use a hand drill, not electric.


If u didn't already know, you may need 1 hole on the back to equalize pressure with the cap on, you can also use this hole for potted plants

Step 4: Finishing Touches

To make it fancy, sand the holes to make it smooth. Maybe you can do this a couple of times to get the hang of it. I also made one out of a 64 fl oz juice container

Step 5: Alright

There you have it, a bottle to water your garden with, one of the easiest instructables, and saves the energy of a computer being on for 40 minutes