Introduction: What to Do With That Broken Water Bottle

About: I like flying, tinkering, origami, engineering, art, camping, life hacking, winning souls for Christ, and getting things to work the first time around.

Hey, mountain men, Although advertised indestructible, Nalgene water bottles eventually break. But that's okay, because if you mail them a picture of your water bottle and a receipt, they'll send you a brand new one. That also leaves open the question, "what do I do with my old one?" I didn't want to throw mine away (it has been through everything I have and more and has faithfully stayed intact by my side the whole time, I respect it more than that), so I turned it into something useful: a stylish and sentimental pencil/tool holder for my desk.

Step 1: What Happened

This is how my water bottle looked before I transformed it.

Step 2: Hot Glue

Use hot glue to glue the lid upside-down onto the mouth of the water bottle to create a stable base. I only glued on the inside of the mouth to make it look cleaner.

Step 3: One Last Touch

I have this travel towel from IKEA that came with this puny little wash-cloth thing for some reason. I figured I would never use it, so I stuffed I into the water bottle to help prop up the tools so they weren't so deep in the bottle.

Step 4: Done!

Now fill it up with tools, pencils, and whatever else. Enjoy!

Trash to Treasure

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure