Introduction: Wire Wrapped Stone Pendants
I really love gemstones, so what better to do than make a pendant with them! By wire wrapping the stone, you can personalise the pendant, yet still see all the beauty the stone has to offer.
I was a bit insecure about writing this instructable, since there are a lot of great wire wrapping tutorials on here, new ones are even being published while I'm typing this. But, I just figured everyone wraps a stone differently :) I hope you like it!
2020 update: I revisited this project and made a new instructable about it! Check it out here :).
Step 1: Materials
To make a pendant like this, you will need:
- a stone / probably the most common location I see these is on markets, but you can also find them online (e.g. here)
- wire, for a stone of about 2 cm high I used 25 cm of wire
- pliers
Step 2: Start With a Swirl
Take the piece of wire and hold it with the top of the round nose pliers. Turn it around to make a loop. Holding it with flat nose pliers, you can now continue your swirl, until it has reached the size you want it to be.
Step 3: Getting the Stone In
Take your stone and hold it as shown in the second image. Place the swirl you just made against it with the remaining wire pointing down.
Step 4: Wrapping the Bottom
Place your thumb against the swirl, so it can't move. Wrap the wire around the bottom to create a kind of bed for the stone. Stop wrapping after about two or three rounds.
Step 5: The Top Needs Wire As Well
To bring the wire to the top of the stone, bend it up on the back of the stone. Start wrapping the top by just bending the wire to the side on the right height and wrapping it around again. Here you can also wrap about three times. I adjusted the position of the swirl here as well, I thought it was just a bit too low.
Step 6: A Loop to Finish It
To make sure you can put this charm on a necklace, bend the wire straight up and make a loop using your round nose pliers. I prefer to make double loops, this will also prevent the charm from falling off your necklace.
Step 7: Done!
That's it, you're done! I hope you liked it, and maybe will try it yourself :)