Introduction: Wirelessly Heated Mug

About: We're born, we make, and we die. So start making!


Although there are risks involved, this is a very fun project. I have a Samsung phone that is wirelessly chargeable. I thought it would be cool to use my phone charger to heat up drinks. The main components of this project are the heating coil and the energy receiver. The heating coil has to match the output of the energy receiver, or it won't heat up to its' full potential. Keep this in mind when obtaining your parts. Also, keep in mind that your materials need to be heat resistant.

Step 1: Tools/Materials


  • Dremel
  • Laser


  • Mug
  • Wireless energy receiver
  • Wireless energy transmitter
  • Heater
  • Epoxy (heat resistant)

Step 2: Test Cut Your Ceramic

Look through your Dremel bits and find one that would be good for precisely cutting ceramics. Then, test it by actually cutting the ceramic. It works a lot better if you fill the cavity with water. The water cools down the cutting bit and captures the ceramic dust. It may be unhealthy to cut, so wear a mask and eye protection.

Step 3: Laser Cut the Form

My form will likely fit for most coffee mugs, you can get it free.

The thickness of the wood doesn't matter. The assembly is fairly simple. You can assemble it with a variety of adhesives, from glue to tape.

Step 4: Cut the Ceramic

Cutting the ceramic is very straight forward. Clamp on the wood piece. Fill with water; and start cutting. Slowly adjust the depth after it is smooth from the current depth.

Step 5: Solder

Before you can even solder it. You have to know what to solder. Take apart the energy receiver, being careful to not break it. Then, put it on the energy transmitter and check the the terminals with a current tester. Once you know what to solder together, solder it together!

Step 6: Epoxy

Mask the edges of the cup to keep them protected from the epoxy. Before actually starting to epoxy it, make sure it fits well, and plan out how you are going to hold it in place. It works well to do it in two rounds. First, epoxy everything except the very top. Hold it down until the epoxy is viscous enough to hold it. Then, apply another small layer over the top.

Step 7: Wait for It...... the END

Let the epoxy cure for at least 24 hours. Then it is ready to be used.

I hope you learned something from this Instructables. If you have any feedback, I would love to hear it.

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