Introduction: Yarn Hair Wrap

About: I make and post random and easy things give my instructables a chance and you will love them don't forget to subscribe and make the world a better place

Step 1: What You Need

Little rubber band

Step 2: Braid

Braid the little chunk of hair where you want the hair wrap. Tie off with little rubber band

Step 3: Wrap

Start with tying a double knot around hair with yarn then, As you do for a Frenchship bracelet wrap the hair with the yarn. If you do not know how to make a friendship bracelet you can look at my other instructable, friendship bracelet! Continue weaving until the end of the braid tie to tie off

Hair Contest 2016

Participated in the
Hair Contest 2016

Made with Yarn Contest 2016

Participated in the
Made with Yarn Contest 2016