Introduction: Yet Another Great Computer Prank

About: Imagination is the mother of all inventions...necessity is just the marketing pitch to get rich from it! I love Scuba diving, and everything nautical. I am the problem solver type. I like to fix things be it eā€¦
This is a quick Two part prank to do to someone's computer in less than one minute.

Step 1: The Pointer Prank

This is an oldie but a goodie! Go to the Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer. Highlight Normal Select then hit browse and scroll over and select  no_il.cur, hit Open, Apply and OK. You should now have the annoying Unavailable icon....on to the next step!!!

Step 2: "The Display's Gone Screwy!"

Now to F with the display and activate the High Contrast. Hit Shift>Alt>Screen Print and hit OK. That's it. Told you it was easy

Step 3: Watch the Panic Ensue!

Step away and try not to blow it by laughing or you will get punched in the face!



This Instructable was made entirely on my Droid Razr with the new Instructables App! Get yours today!

April Fools' Contest

Participated in the
April Fools' Contest