Introduction: Zero to Birdhouse With 123D!

A quick project for making a cardboard birdhouse. You can find the software I used at, The files I used are attached and include the roof.  Let me know if you need them in a different format. 

Step 1: Creating the CAD File With 123D Design

Sorry the video is silent, I will attempt to update with a voice over soon. 

Step 2:

After you get your plans from 123D make, you can cut them out yourself from cardboard or if you have access to a laser cutter that would work as well. The other option of course would be to order from laser service like Ponoko. 

From there glue up your pieces using just about any glue, I like a thin layup of elmer's glue all or just plan wood glue. 

Here is what you will need to finish the birdhouse. 
  • Duct tape or some other more waterproof easy to apply stick thing. I think I might actually do my next one using roofing shingles. 
  • Cardboard-This is for the roof, so anything that you can bend in the middle or make a butt joint out of would be great. 
  • a Perch- this can be literally anything that you think a bird might want to stand on. 

Step 3: Water Proof the Roof

Score the roofing sheet down the middle and then fold in half. After that lay it flat and apply duct tape or other weather resistant material. I added a separate piece down the middle so that it would reinforce the joint. 

Now hot glue the roof to the house. As well as the perch.

For the perch if you wanted to add some reinforcement you could drill an extra hole in the cardboard and then use a down rod and some glue.  

Step 4: Hang in There.

For the wire, I just pushed some knotted wire up through the crest of the roof and then added a little glue to assist in sealing up the hole. You can also mount this on a post or what ever else your mind could imagine. 

Have fun and don't eat the birds.