Introduction: How to Make a Legit Secret Base Part 2!
today i will show you how to make a wheat farm hidden base! please check out my other instructables! also, dont forget to follow,favorite,share or comment!
Step 1: Materials:
dirt,ladder,water,wheat seeds,hoe,and bonemeal!
Step 2: This Is the Finished Model
the ladders stop the water from dropping, making an air bubble inside!
Step 3:
dig a 2 by 2 hole 3 blocks deep
Step 4:
add ladders to 2 facing walls of your choice.
Step 5:
add water and hoe the surrounding dirt.
Step 6:
put down seeds on each hoed block
Step 7:
grow them with the bonemeal.
Step 8: Inside Look
to get in, simply sink into the water.
Step 9: Wala!
you can now customize the inside! have fun hiding from your friends!