Introduction: How to Make a Perfect Drawing for Beginners

it's simple and beautiful work
and you don't have need any expensive things for it
 and if you please want leafe a comment

Step 1: The Materials

you need:

1x pensil
1x paper
1x ruler
1x eraser

Step 2: The Basic Shape (1)

1. you make 2 lines . so as you can see on picture 1
2. make  tiny bows on the lines
3. make an oval
5. make under the same what you do by picture 1,2, and a half oval

Step 3: The Basic Shape (2)

1. make 2 vertical lines so it look like a round cookie box
2. there are two important things by the arrow under you must make lines right to the left. see the next step
3. by the arrow under you must make the lines left to right see the next step.

Step 4: The Shadow

1. first practice befor you go draw the lines on the picture
3. than you draw it on the picture. but first look at the picture

Step 5:

and than you rub it with your hand so as the pictures

Step 6: Now Above of the Shape

you do the same as the step before but then in the other direction
see the picture

Step 7: Lightning

pick the eraser

and than erase under on the left a tiny piece of the shape
see the picture
you must do this the same above the shape and then left so as you can see.

Step 8: The Last Details

you make the shape right and erase spots of your hand
then you make lines big by big lines and tiny lines by tiny lines, got you!