Introduction: How to Make an Underground Secret Base in MCPE
Step 1: Materials
sapling of your choice
wood of your choice
bonemeal (white block)
leaf block
Step 2: Area
find a place with alot of space
Step 3: Sapling
choose a sapling that will become part of the other trees.
Step 4:
grow your tree
Step 5:
cut down the bark that is visible
Step 6:
surround the area with the same bark to make the inside hollow
Step 7:
it should look like this
Step 8:
put more leaves on the tree to make it look less suspicius.
Step 9:
dig down in a stair style about 3 blocks down.
Step 10: Entrance
to make the entrance put sand around it in a random pattern
Step 11: This Was My Pattern
Step 12:
cover the hole to close the entrance
Step 13:
when going down break the center wood and sand as shown
Step 14:
the inside looks like this
Step 15: Viola!
you made a base! customize it and have fun hiding from people!