Introduction: 4 Ghosts Foamy or EVA for Halloween | DIY |---4 Fantasmas De Foamy O Goma Eva Para Halloween | DIY |

About: My blog, like my YouTube channel, is oriented to work done with my hands with or without the help of tools, especially using paper as the main base.


1- Templates

2- Scissors

3- marker pen or dark purple

4- Crayola for foamy or EVA

5- Brushes

6- pencil or a metal stick

7- acrylic black paint

8- old grocery bags

9- silicon gun and glue sticks or contact ( optional ) Foamy

10- or EVA White 11- Vellum

Step 1: Step by Step Video

Step 2: Photos

Halloween Decor Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest 2015