Introduction: Butterfly Life Cycle for Kids :Metamorphosis

About: I am housewife and I have a lovely daughter. I love to spend my time with making crafts. I am Hobbyist.I love hummingbirds.

Hi, I made this butterfly life cycle project for kids. You can use it for school science project or

You can use it as teaching your toddler how butterfly life cycle works. It’s very quick and simple Project for kids. And you need very basic things for making this project. What you need for this project: 1)Artificial butterfly (you can make it at home also.Like you can draw on construction paper or foam sheet) Well I got this butterfly on Dollar tree store. 2)Artificial leaves or plastic leaves(as said before you can easily make it at home using construction paper or foam sheet) 3) Faux snow (very tine styrofoam ball)I used it as butterfly eggs 4)Green small pompoms for caterpillar 5)Very small tree branch part 6)And for butterfly chrysalis, I used a plastic paper and inside I put another butterfly for realist look. 7)Paper plate Well for this project most of the material available in Dolar tree.But you can make your own butterfly and leaves also handmade using construction paper or foam sheet.