Introduction: Halloween Standing Mummy Prop

About: Mom of boys, happy wife, acrylic painter, amateur gardener, craft maker, Halloween enthusiast, travel lover and sunshine fan. In a nut shell

So this Mummy idea is all over Pinterest so I had to give it a try.

Step 1:

I started with taping up my legs with packing tape. Then you cut down the back, re tape and fill with newspaper.

Step 2:

Next the top part of the legs

Step 3:

For the upper body - I had to recruit help!! LOL!! Thanks to my friends for the help with my crazy idea!!!

Step 4:

Once my upper body was taped up, I was cut out via the back and along the arms.

Step 5:

Upper half wasn't all that easy but we got it together. The body was stuffed with lots and lots of paper and taped together. The head was a dollar store skeleton head (though looking back, it was a bit to small and I should have wrapped it more to give it a bit more size).

Step 6:

Now for the wrapping. I bought Cheese cloth from the grocery store and soaked the cheese cloth in coffee. I then hung it outside to dry. Once it was dry I cut it up into strips and just started wrapping it around the body. It is really clingy so it just stays on, the ends I usually tuck under another piece.

Step 7:

I think he turned out pretty good for my first attempt, though smaller than I hoped.

Step 8:

I have since finishing him added a bit more cheese cloth to secure hit arms in place. He looks nice with my hand wall.

I may have to make another to give him a friend!!! I think I will have to wrap my husband the next time around.

Halloween Contest 2018

Participated in the
Halloween Contest 2018