Introduction: How to Use NRF24L01 Wireless Remote Controll With an Arduino

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Hello dear friends,

In this project i have tried to explain how to use nRF24L01 Remote Controll module with an Arduino...

Basically there is a lot of way to communicate Arduinos each other,However nRF24L01 is the most popluler one.

There is two nRF24L01 model. One is normal nRF24L01.Other one is LNA+PA model. Also there is a extra part which is called as adapter.

Most of people got problem with normal one.As we know , Vcc port goes to 3.3v on the Arduino.That makes some problem, but when we use 5v for Vcc then nRF24L01 may damaged.

Solution on the internet that i found is very simple. Connecting capacitor between Vcc and GND. But it is kind of unnecessary. There is an adapter modelu for this purpose.Also very cheap on the Aliexpress or etc...

Second module is LNA+PA is very usefull if you built some kind of pro project :)

I recommend that use LNA+PA with adapter....

With this module you can make HOME AUTOMATIONS,ALARM SYSTEMS and the funniest one is building your own RC VEHICLES :)

I give you an example which i built ARDUINO RC TANK :)

NOTE : In this project i have controlled Servo motor with Joystick Shield.

Required Materiels:

x2 Arduino(I used UNO and NANO)

x1 Breadboard

x1Joystick module /Joystick Shield

x1 LED

x1 Servo


All the codes(arduino) and circuit diagram (fritzing) has been uploaded here and on github: CLICK FOR CODES AND CIRCUIT DIAGRAM



How to add library: Arduino►libraries►create 2 new file names must be following:


copy the nRF24L01.h in the new opened folder with same name,

secondly copy these files : (RF24.cpp ,RF24.h ve RF24_config.h) into RF24 folder that you created.


If you guys like my projects and if they help, please LIKE my videos so that i understand they are helpful and keep going for new projects :)

If any question or suggestion, here or on YouTube channel please...

Good Luck,Have Fun!

Sorry for my English if i made mistakes :/