Introduction: Indigestion Hack

About: Learning is a perfectly legitimate "life purpose" but I'm an explorer. "Knowing" doesn't interest me. Exploration and discovery does. There's always more to explore in everything.

This is so easy that you won't believe it -

Go to the kitchen and get a cup - I actually use a 12 oz coffee mug - fill it with water and drink it down. Then, do it again. Problems solved!

I was told this by an old farmer and it TOTALLY ticked me off, because I'd had indigestion for over 30 years and the very idea of being caught out somewhere without a full roll of Rolaids would have freaked me out.

The first time I did it, I had to choke down that first glass of water. It was terrible - I gagged. But the second one went down pretty smoothly and I haven't had indigestion since.

Is it a "cure" - I don't know - but who cares?!?!? Indigestion sucks!

I've only had a couple of instances of feeling indigestion APPROACHING, since I was told this.

If you can't get that first glass down, all at once, drink it one or two ounces at a time, one after another, until you do and then do another glass. Don't "sip" it - DRINK it down.

If some smarty pants decides to trash this instructable by saying they tried it and it didn't work, ignore them. I'm not saying they would be lying, but I've never seen this not work. The point is, don't let that stop you from trying it. Indigestion can turn into acid reflux which can turn into hiatal hernia ALL of which I used to have and which REALLY sucks. So, even if there IS some kind of indigestion-mimicing disease that won't benefit from it, it's WATER. It's not herbs or patent medicine. it's WATER.

And if it works, don't get all "conspiracy theory" and think that it's some big secret because I've never come across anyone who has ever heard of it that wasn't told by me. Including a couple of MDs and a research biologist who said, simply, "Makes perfect sense." - in other words, people simply don't know so you can't really blame someone for not telling you something they don't know. Yes, it's a little bit infuriating to discover that you've suffered so horribly with relief right at your fingertips, but nobody knows. So it's not anybody's fault.

Water isn't going to hurt you unless you drink crazy amounts of it so try it. Just try it. I'm not saying it's a cure, but NOT feeling indigestion is a whole lot better than the alternative.

ALSO - don't throw away the Rolaids. After 30 years and probably, I don't know, 5 or 10 thousand rolls of rolaids, one thing I discovered is that they stop hiccups. that I think about it, I haven't had the hiccups for don't know. Maybe they're related to indigestion. I used to get them all the time.

Step 1:

Some will also say that all you're doing is diluting the acid, and they'd be right, but that very dilution of acid is one of the reasons you can't live long without water. In the overall scheme of "all of time", t's the whole point of thirst, risking life and limb to go to the watering hole as well as the difference between plain water and "wet" foods and the general garbage people drink, thinking it counts as hydration. It doesn't.