Introduction: Juicing: Starry Night

About: Hi! I am Klinong, that is how my loving family calls me, except my brother, he calls me Krinyol, as I have silly curly hair :) I love Instructables for forever now, especially for the contests ha-ha!, but I …

I call this Starry Night as we made it in the evening time and plus it uses star fruit ;)

Step 1: Ingredients and Method

I use almost everything we can find at the house, when juicing. My kids always love it (well as long as no grapefruit in it haha)

For this Starry Night juice, you will need:

1 starfruit

1 plum

2 apples, seeded

3 carrots, scrape

2 bunches spinach

4 kale, cut the hard stem

1/2 lemon, seeded

a juicer (mine is Breville, love it big time)

Run through everything in your juicer, serve immediately or serve chilled from the fridge.


Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest