Introduction: Lego Laser Gun

Step 1: Pieces

These are the pieces you need

Step 2: Optional Pieces

These are optional pieces

Step 3: Handle

Put a black cylinder on to a handle peice

Step 4: Front of the Gun

Place a 4 studded piece on the fat part of the handle

Step 5: Don't Know What to Call This Step

Add 2 antenna in to the sides of the 4 stud piece

Step 6: Still Have No Idea What to Call This Step

Add a dish piece not the end of the 4 stud piece

Step 7: Cone Piece

Add a cone piece to the end of the dish piece

Step 8: Dot

Add a dot to the end of the cone piece

Step 9: Scope (optional)

Add a clip piece to the top of the 4 stud piece

Step 10: Scope Part 2

Add a light saber handle to the clip piece

Step 11: Scope Part 3

Add a teleSCOPE (get it) to the end of the light saber handle

Step 12: Scope Part 4

Add a smooth dot to the end of the light saber handle
You may have to take the scope off to get it on

Step 13: Clip/spike Thingy

Add a spike to the last hole of the four stud piece

Step 14: Stock

Add 2 dots and one smooth dot to the back end o the gun

Step 15: Your Done

There your all done. Vote for me in the lego contest!

Community Contest: Toy Building Blocks

Participated in the
Community Contest: Toy Building Blocks