Introduction: Link Hut in Minecraft

This link hut based off of link's hut in ocarina of time. It can be used for a cool looking house, or just something to look at. Hope you enjoy!

Step 1: The Poles

Make four dark oak wood poles each separated by three blocks diagonal blocks of space and make them six blocks tall.

Step 2: The Plus Sign

Make a spurce wood plus sign over the wooden poles.

Step 3: Connect

Connect the plus sign like so. Make sure to not make a squre, but a diamond like shape.

Step 4: Walls

Make the start of the walls like so.

Step 5: More Walls

Add on top of the walls like so.

Step 6: Roof

Make a roof.

Step 7: The Hay

Follow the pictures and make the hay part of the roof.

Step 8: Decorating

You can decorate the house how ever you like. This is how I did it.

Step 9: Ladder

Add a ladder like so.

Step 10: Door

Add a door.

Step 11: Done!

Now your finished! Favourite, and vote!

Minecraft Challenge

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Minecraft Challenge