Introduction: Restoration of a Sewing Box

About: I'm a young french woodworker. I learnt everything by myself thanks to internet. I have lots of videos on my Youtube channel. Just click the link below to check it out. You can also visit my WebSite for more p…

I was restoring this sewing box out of beech few weeks ago. It was a gift for my mother, it belongs to my grand mother. This project took a lots of time sanding, handplaning, and scrapping, but it was a pleasure ! thanks for watching.

Step 1: Video Part 1

First part of the restoring wooden sewing box. Scouring, sanding, machining.

Step 2: Video Part 2

This the second part of the restoring sewing box. This is about setting up the hardware, the felt and about finishing. I use air gun this time (first time so don't blame me :D)