Introduction: Toilet Paper Roll Parrot Toy

About: Just a creative college student.

Parrots love to chew and destroy, what better thing for them to destroy then your trash!?

I make these for my cockatoo and my parents four big birds ( a amazon, two African greys, and a cockatoo.) Sometimes I even volunteer to make some for the local bird rescue.

Little birds love chewing on these too! (cockateils, budgies, and love bird sizes)

All you need is:

-empty toilet paper roll


If you wanted to you can hang them up with rope, or just hand them straight to your parrot for them to play with.

Step 1: Cut

Cut 4-5 slices out of the roll with some fairly sharp scissors.

You want them to be about a inch thick. more or less it really doesn't matter

Step 2: Assemble

Put the slices inside each other until they form a ball.

OPTIONAL: you can put peanuts or other treats in the middle and this will keep your parrot interested for a little while.

(big birds tear through one of these in no time, little birds it takes days)

Papercraft Contest

Participated in the
Papercraft Contest

On a Budget Contest

Participated in the
On a Budget Contest