Introduction: Vertical Daily Chess Board

Do you love chess, but don't have time to sit down for a long game? Play everyday with just two moves a day, and add a little style to your home to boot!

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Supply List:

Frame with glass
spray paint
cheap chess set
measuring tape
double stick tape
sheet metal
metal clippers/shears
glue (I used E-6000)

Step 2: Paint the Board

*Measure the glass inside of the frame and divide each side by 8 to find the dimensions of each square. It will not be square unless your frame is square. 

*Cut 32 pieces of cardstock that match the dimensions from the previous step

*use double stick tape to tape each piece of cardstock onto the glass (keep the frame on) in the pattern of the white squares on a chess board

*Remove the glass from the frame and spray paint the glass. (I chose a color that would go well with the color of my green wall)

*Once dry, remove the cardstock

Step 3: Build the Shelves

I found some strips of sheet metal that were meant for some specific purpose at my local hardware store. By buying strips, it made this step a lot easier. Regardless, the image shows the shape you will need to cut/fold the sheet metal into. 

When determining the length, measure the width of the inside of the frame (this measurement will be slightly larger than the glass) The little tabs at the end, should fit inside the frame and not show outside. 

Step 4: Pieces

*I bought a super cheap chess set at wal-mart to begin with, because I wanted my pieces to match the paint job. 

*If you want to paint your pieces, be sure the paint is good for plastic. Mine wasn't and it took 3 days for it to dry fully. 

*Once they're dry, glue magnets into the bottom. 

Step 5: Chess Board Assemble

* Glue the metal strips into the frame
* Glue in the glass with the paint on the back side
* Optional: I wanted to use the wall color as my second color. If that isn't the best option for you, put a piece of colored paper behind the glass
* Hang
I hung my board next to our back door so that my husband and I can play each day with one move when we leave for work and one when we come home. Pieces that have been taken get placed at the top of the frame. 
Toy Contest

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Toy Contest

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Craft Contest